The team learns to choose, to make decisions, and to do, as a learning team. It should also learn to 'inspect and adapt' or the Toyota 'go look and see'. It uses OODA or PDCA or another learning cycle. Teams develop pattern awareness and gain substantial performance and interdependence benefits. The team project forms a living map as it goes, with almost accidental Design Thinking. With the scrum pattern we do together and check as we go. Losing somebody is bad but doesn't break the web. The web or map puts more eyeballs on better design and implementation. Now mix together innovators and perfectionists and one-at-a-time rules people (monochronic) and some-at-a-time relationships people (polychronic). When you grow mutual awareness of such propensities, you grow teams. With a coach you can form a team and go faster and better. Many such teams share leadership and other roles to suit the situation.