“square squire and the journey to dreamstate” - dare say- what if one lone…little…black child…precocious…square (before “nerd” even became a word)…man-child kid - raised in the LA inner city area of compton, california…had such a memory that he could not only remember the exact events of his birth – but beyond? i’m talking remembering exact details of his elementary school days (the explosive 1960’s)…his junior high and high school days (the 1970’s)……and by the end of his 21st birthday, because of his imagination and memory - experience a dreamstate that could christen him as possibly the “chosen” writer of his time? Is it fact or fiction? the answer is like life… a little of both!
This is the premise of my novel “square squire and the journey to dreamstate.” squire Brooks (square squire) is a curious cat – possessor of an imagination extraordinaire. in the novel he describes in detail (among other life areas) the integration of Compton, the watts riot, his parents divorce, and what leads him to discover his underlying talent (with the help of a foxy octavia steves) and finally his journey to dreamstate.
The novel clocks in at 340 pages and 86,540 words. semi-autobiographical, with added fiction, of the author’s life.