Though regarded in the village as something of a roue, Uncle Antonis is the closest thing Akis has to a father. Antonis and his cafenion cronies provide the young island boy a window onto manly ways of the world. As a child, Akis takes Uncle Antonis' reputation as a "ladies' man" on face value. Later, as a know-it-all university student,Akis challenges Uncle Antonis' conduct toward the tourist girls that he himself is chasing, ie.
"...'Like playing Old Goat with the foreign girls young enough to be your daughter?'"
"He (Uncle Antonis) pushed his glass of local hooch toward me."
"'Here, rinse your mouth out with tsuma! This is an old wives' answer. They get worried when they see the first wrinkle, and try to convince the world that making love with another generation is the same as, well, you know, incest. Me, I was never married. I have no daughters. After they graduate Gymnasium; they're all women to me."
Only later does Akis learn the tragic truth behind Uncle Antonis' reputation...