Most of us as children fantasize about being Heroes. Can you remember when you pretended your bike ride down the street was some unselfish act of Heroism for the betterment of all mankind? Remember when you had to give your tennis shoes a test run before you gave your Mom the go ahead to buy them? They had to make you run faster, right? As kids we buy comic books, and action figures, and pretend to be Heroes. I don’t believe we have to pretend. I believe we are born to be Heroes. I believe every man woman and child has the ability to make mankind better. You don’t have to fly or have supernatural powers to make a difference in someone’s life. You don’t have to have a cape to make someone smile, and I believe a smile in a crowded room can be seen around the world, if we all share it. When I was a kid I wanted desperately to be a hero, and when I crashed my bicycle or struck out at the plate, I was my worst critic. Little Hero Big GOD starts out jumping bikes, playing in the creek, and dreaming big. If you remember climbing trees or chucking rocks, and playing hide and seek past dark, then you know the time period of the book. We all crash and make mistakes, and that is profoundly good, if we use those life experiences to help others do better. Little Hero Big GOD reflects on life and reveals there are Heroes all around us. My Mom told me I would be a hero even when I doubted myself and she reminded me that God had work for me to do. We all have work to do. We all can make a difference in the world. Help someone across the street, or say something nice to a stranger. Start out small. Stop believing you can’t make a difference. Please don’t be afraid to be a Hero in someone’s life.