Blood fired by tales of adventure from Paddy, the only experienced traveller amongst them and the unspoken threats of Paul, their mentor, four idiots embark on a hazardous adventure into the unknown, ill equipped in all departments, especially skill and mental agility. A cabin cruiser on the back of a lorry? Idiots.
Cramped together in the cab of their lorry their nerve and resolve are continually put to the test and relationships are put under the microscope to be examined closer than ever before.
Have they got the necessary courage and strength of character to survive the ordeals set by the same gods that toyed with Ullyses and his Argonauts? (Jason?? Well ..... whoever.)
Will their friendship transcend the trials of close living under the stress conditions that destroyed Caine and Abel after Adam was forced to sell his big house with the orchard and move into the two up and two down in lower Mesopotamia?
Their journey is further complicated by the skullduggery of smugglers, intent on using the nieve Mancunians as couriers for mysterious contraband and further dogged by the attention of police, customs, deadly terrorists and incompetent roadside robbers who are well past their worst.