Robert Hanson is royalty; not royalty in the sense that he bears a title, or his family tree fills the history books. He is a world renown celebrity, a film superstar, a household name; and in today's world, that results in royal treatment. If he desires, the best of everything is delivered on a silver platter. However, the cost of having everything requires that he live a very small private life behind a secured wall. Cezanne DeWitt is a nobody living a quiet life in service to others. She volunteers with others to rescue women and children around the world trapped in the human trafficking trade --- building sanctuaries and re-building lives. She lives a large life unknown to the world, on her family's small estate. On occasion she shares her home, walled and secure, with clients of her friend, Barry Baling. Barry serves as agent to some of the biggest names in the creative industries. Cezanne provides sanctuary to those who are in desperate need of privacy and peace and asks nothing in return. Not even an autograph. A series of unexpected events leads Robert to Cezanne's home in the middle of the night. He is worn out in body, mind, soul, and spirit. He awakes in the morning to an enchanted house perched on the edge of a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. He finds peace; but Cezanne's peace is shattered. Each must seek God for answers. Cezanne waits on God for her intended life partner. Is Robert Hanson God's choice for her? What could she possibly have to offer such a man? Robert is forced to look at the path his life has taken. Has he used his God-given talent in a way that honors his heritage? What could he possibly have to offer Cezanne that wouldn't destroy her service? When the movie star meets the missionary, two worlds collide. Join them in their journey as they consider the cost each must pay to find common ground.