To say our economy isn't doing well, would be an understatement. Times are tough and with the price of food and other commodities rising daily, everyone is looking for ways to save. I started to coupon about a year ago, after realizing I was paying more for food, than I was on our mortgage. At the time, I had just retired my real estate license, which had allowed my family to live comfortably for the past 7 years. I knew if I was going to stay at home with my two kids and rely solely on my husband's income, we would need to re-evaluate the way we spent money. When I heard coupons would allow me to purchase all the necessities my family would ever need, at only a fraction of the cost, I was all in! Since my curiosity was fully peaked, I knew I had to educate myself with everything savings. Thus, my journey began. Follow me as I share some basic tips to becoming a Supersaver!