Conrad Lovelle spent his early years in a small town abounding with cultural diversity. In difficult times during his childhood young Conrad learned to escape through reading and fantasy. Eventually his storybook readings merged with friends’ accounts of far-off lands and a Romantic was born. Conrad’s taste outgrew the confinement and simplicity of the small isolated town and at age 15 he answered the call of his wanderlust, leaving home and hitch-hiking 1000 miles to the nearest West-coast city with just $12 in his pocket. Those seeds of his childhood led him to many cultures and into many homes and hearts along the way. Writing to express his own romantic feelings and experiences was an early passion for Conrad and throughout the years he has written poetry and prose about love and life’s processes; about encounters that have endured and those that have faded away. It is through persistently warm and occasionally enthusiastic encouragement this booklet sampling 40 years of love expression has finally been composed. Whether it brings amusement or inspiration, or simply eases the passage of idle time, enjoy.