Wayne Nordine created the character of Lester F. McGlurk one night while plunking away on a term essay for one of his High School Geography classes - blaming random and completely off the wall commentary injected into the term essay on a co-writer. Since then, Wayne assumed the character (and name) of Lester F. McGlurk to pound out a collection of ridiculously far-fetched stories - some of which are actually based on real life events - that have and/or will become* the "Lester Trilogy" *...have and/or will, based on when you are actually reading this bio. Wayne was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on a very, very cold day in January (allegedly one of the coldest on record up to that time). While never substantiated, there is a theory that it was so cold in the delivery room, even the doctors and nurses had to wear parkas, toques and mittens - and poor little Wayne came into that frigid environment bare naked! It is highly probable that such early exposure to sub-zero temperatures seriously affected his brain - something about a thawing period... Since 1990, Wayne has lived, worked and raised all sorts of benign havoc in Las Vegas, Nevada. Not the least of which was re-writing all his earlier manuscripts into the literature you enjoy (LOL!) today. And despite thawing out nicely, he’s still a little "out there".