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Freedom Technique: Path to Awareness and Love With Autobiography of Lester Levenson

Freedom Technique: Path to Awareness and Love With Autobiography of Lester Levenson Freedom Technique: Path to Awareness and Love With Autobiography of Lester Levenson

出版社:Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
語言:英文   規格:平裝 / 244頁 / 21.6 x 14 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
$ 660
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圖書名稱:Freedom Technique: Path to Awareness and Love With Autobiography of Lester Levenson


Book One, Revised You can have, be, and do whatever you will or desire. The only thing stopping you is the accumulation of negative thoughts and feelings which you are subconsciously holding. Remove these, and you remove the blocks to your accomplishing whatever you wish in life. Remove these, and you will find happiness, satisfaction and joy beyond your wildest dreams. Remove these, and you are Free. These few lines express the essence of Lester Levenson's Releasing method that he proved with his life. The last chapter of this book is devoted to the Autobiography by Lester. "This book is for your heart... In this book Yuri makes you ask yourself... Can I learn to trust something more than my own mind? Like Alice in Wonderland and her steps through the mirror am I really so close and still not seeing: 'IT' has been within me all the time? Why do I insist on hanging on to my mind's guidance when it really knows so little about Life, the Universe and all that it contains? Can I quiet my mind long enough to give my heart the first say in the rest of my life's journey? I have found this to be a priceless exercise. And I am now embracing this journey that I have always been on but for the first time with an embracing of no limits to the volume of love I can contain. I've turned the mirror around and I see my inner self."Jill Sloan, Kernville, CA "For me the best thing about Freedom Technique was the discovery of certain very real, concrete and key psychological methods, the practice of which can only but lead to increased awareness, love and to result in healing, success, and enlightenment. These methods take a very balanced and gentle approach, helping to calmly and work with feelings we would rather run away from. In doing so, one learns to become one's own full-time psychologist, an enormous growth step for almost everyone. With proper practice, it can lead to the emergence of the ideal inner parent who binds up the wounds and dresses the scars of our not-so-easy lives. But the book has more than just psychotherapeutic value. Much care and attention is devoted to placing the Freedom Technique method into the center of an entire religious world view. This holistic approach leads the reader beyond just himself and his problems and beyond the questions, hurts, and limitations which mere psychology could never answer, heal, or transcend. By offering a horizon of utter fulfillment, Freedom Technique strengthens and gives courage to readers to start on the path of awareness and love critical to healing, success, and wholeness." Thomas Finnell, Ohio "I want to tell you that Freedom Technique really works. It takes some effort but it's worth it. Things started happening to me - things I wanted but was afraid of and thought impossible to happen. It was something I wished for during the whole summer. And it came without any work on my part. It just came. And I was able to take advantage of every moment without thinking of the past or future. Really, it was so exiting to see how things came together in a perfect manner. It's like suddenly I was able to complete the hardest puzzle." Polina, Moscow, Russia



Yuri Spilny was born in Vladivostok, Russia. His life has in many ways been varied and unusual. In 1960, after six years in Naval Academy he decided it was not for him. "While awakening for a duty, I was hit with this," he says: "Now walk out of here!" And I left the Academy just three months before graduation." He went to Moscow Film School, and began a successful career of a documentary filmmaker. He arrived in North America in 1973 and devoted himself to the study of comparative religious philosophy, the practice of meditation, Kriya, Yoga and Releasing. Traveling the world, he produced over 70 documentary films on a wide variety of subjects, including Great Siberian Adventure, Seal Hunters and Inside the KGB. He lectured at the University of Economics and Moscow State University on Awareness, Responsibility, Releasing, and Freedom. He lectured at UCLA for the Ivy League Association of Southern California on The Psychology of Doing Business in Eastern Europe. He also wrote The Incredible Adventures of Kitto. "I always knew," he says, "that my destiny was to write." Beautifully illustrated by Anna and Nadezhda Balzhak with more than eighty original watercolors, this trilogy of fairy tales emphasizes to young readers that "every child is born to succeed." His recent books are a spiritual novel "In Search of Lost Love"... a flight from grief in search of happiness; Freedom Technique, Book II The lion Moves Alone with The Final Step to Freedom by Lester Levenson, and Love’s Little Secret, Book III. Yuri lives in Sequoia National Forest, California. yuri@bookstoenjoy.com



  • ISBN:9781466367975
  • 規格:平裝 / 244頁 / 21.6 x 14 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
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