This is a well-written, poignant memoir of a woman's unhappy childhood and a brave and gripping account of her triumph over alcoholism. The details of Jean's personal anguish and the obvious authenticity of her report on a life very nearly gone amiss demonstrate the kind of clout that only an honest personal account can have. The frank way the book addresses the sensitive issues of alcoholism and domestic violence, and the vivid recall and dramatic impact with which some scenes are described, make this a powerful testament. Both inspirational and informative, also about the role AA played in her life once she admitted she had a problem. The author stopped drinking 33 years ago and after achieving sobriety her career flourished and she opened her own business in 1985. She is now in her seventies and semi-retired, and has grandchildren who regard her as a "cool gran," something that would not have been possible if she hadn't stopped drinking. The manuscript would not only appeal to help-seeking addicts or to those already in rehab, but very strongly, too, to family members and friends of such persons who are often in great need of information and support. This is a personal testimony that will be helpful to many people.