Frankie Valen's autobiography, "Chasing An Illusive Dream," is a story that contains the drama and pathos that inspired the old cliche, "Truth is stranger than fiction." This story of a pop-singer is about fame and the loss of it, separation from family and children, and a dramatic return to the Lord. "Frankie's story is a story of rags to riches to rags that started back in 1967 but left him with an enduring celebrity status." Linda Stinnett, Derby, KS Informer. This book will help give the reader his family history, and the story of the mistakes and accomplishments he made, and the incredible journey he took. His feelings of rejection at every turn, the constant fear of never being accepted or good enough to make a difference, and yet he experienced fame and fortune, later becoming a gospel recording artist, and traveling with his concert pianist wife Phyllis nationwide for over 18 years in a full-time music ministry. This book attempts to answer such questions such as: Is Frankie related to the famous Mallory/Duracell battery family? Is Frankie related to the singer Richie Valens? Was Daniel Boone Frankie's cousin? Does Frankie share a grandmother with the famous Lucille Ball? What about Frankie being related to the Piper Cub airplane family? Because Frankie never became a major recording artist, it took years of hard work and dedication for him to try and become a household name. Frankie has decided to become very transparent in his desire to reveal his heart to his readers on every page.