The free world is threatened as never before following the escape of a notorious international assassin. Josef Sanchez, now a committed terrorist, gathers old extremist allies and plans death and destruction beyond imagination. Legendary British SIS agent Daniel Crane undertakes the dangerous and perhaps impossible task of tracking and destroying his perennial Venezuelan enemy before countless British citizens suffer the horrors of viral devastation. Sanchez threatens to attack Western targets with not only conventional attacks but secretly planned mass devastation. A deadly and monstrous airborne disease, now a reality, is within his grasp. Crane gathers his resources and begins an international hunt for the Executioner, facing death at every turn as desperation drives him on. British Intelligence sources know only one possible target but the date is close and the means of attack unknown. Britain is taunted by Sanchez amid promises of looming catastrophic attacks. Sanchez must be stopped-destroyed, but only Crane, his eternal enemy, knows his foe; how he thinks. He must find him-and destroy his movement. If not, the world is at the mercy of a madman. An extremist of the worst kind dedicated to the slaughter of untold millions.