Born and raised in New York City of Puerto Rican decent William J. Irizarry Jr. was introduced to the mysteries of Orisa by his first Padrino (Godfather) Cuban born and former Chef to Fidel Castro, Babalorisa Ramon Torres Olo Obatala Ibae. William grew up in the New York City Housing Projects where he spent the majority of his upbringing with childhood Friend/Cousin Alexander LaSalle founder and musical director of Alma Moyo, percussionists, singer, song writer and Bakonfula in the Palo Mayombe tradition. Alexander introduced William to the drum and music in general. They played for hours on end at all times of the day and night practicing Eggun and Orisha songs. It was William’s passion for music that illuminated his path and fueled his desire in becoming an Aborisha. William was officially initiated into the Lucumi tradition at the age of fourteen when he received his Elekes/Collares (Beads), Orisa Olokun and Ibeji from Iyaloricha Maria Latimar Olo Yemaya of Bronx, New York. Less than one year later at the age of fifteen William received Awofaka (Mano de Orula) and Warriors (Orisha’s Eshu, Oggun, Ochosi and Osun) from Cuban Born Oluwo Moises Montesino OyekuPica of New York City. Three years later at the age of eighteen William traveled to Santos Suarez, Cuba where he was initiated in the mysteries of Orisha and Ifá. August 1998 William J. Irizarry Jr. became Awo Ni Orunmila, Iwori Rote, Ifá Alá godson of Oluwo Alberto Ofun Nalbe and Ojubon Oretes Ogbe Bara a first generation Babalawo within his family. Three months later William received Kuanaldo and Osain. William has dedicated his life to the study of Orisha & Ifá teachings and picking up and mastering the art of traditional beading along the way. William credits his love of art and beadwork to attending a beading seminar by artist Manny Vega hosted by the Caribbean Cultural Center in New York City and his love of music to his childhood friend Alexander LaSalle. Presently William is under the expert tutelage of Olofista Emilio Ogbe Unle of Orlando, Florida where he continues his lifelong study of Orisha & Ifá teachings, passing his knowledge onto his godchildren as well as his love of art and music.