Larry Jarboe regularly penned articles on common sense in government, and conservation and clean energy issues for 20 years on a weekly basis in ST. MARY’S TODAY newspaper. He currently writes on a variety of fishing, boating, and travel topics as well as energy innovation in THE CHESAPEAKE and is the editor of the publication. Elected to the first of four terms in 1994 as a St. Mary’s County Commissioner, Larry Jarboe has practiced a conservative Republican philosophy of being frugal with the taxpayer’s money and yet has always supported the funding needed for public schools, public safety and vital services while casting a strong no vote on expenditures which are capricious and wasteful. Larry has been a charter boat captain and operated a saw mill in Charlotte Hall, Maryland for 25 years. He regularly explores new methods in providing clean and affordable energy as well as new fishing holes and methodology in catching fish. Larry’s expertise on luring fish onto his line includes serenades and lullabies along with renewable bait such as grass shrimp. Larry also perfected the art of snorklefishing which was so effective it was outlawed.