A compilation of true short stories through the eyes of a young soldier who arrived along with his comrades in Vietnam January 31 1968...The Tet offensive During that thirteen month tour, experiences of friendship and bonding as "brothers" was meaningful and personal. The price of war is deep and lives with those who were participants forever in one manner or another. The Vietnam era was turbulent times, and any soldier or sailor who was fortunate to return home soon found a new reality to deal with. Twenty three years as a police officer in N.Y.C. is bound to contain events and characters during that time. As the key in my car was inserted into the ignition the thought in my mind was always...Roy, you are now entering the Twilight Zone Only another police officer or perhaps their spouse would believe the different encounters with the public or other officers themselves. Any person who has a "Special Friend" in their lives at one time or another is forever enriched from that experience, I count myself as fortunate to have been one. Memories of those who have left us begin to fade over time, not all mind you, just some of the little things. Capturing those images soon after the death of my father-in-law and writing those thoughts are comforting to my wife, Lois and all those who knew Grandpa. This compilation of short stories is dedicated to my family and friends, with heart felt memories of my"brothers" in uniform and one who made the ultimate sacrifice in war.