Book Description for The God Squad: At last! A sharp and sexy satire that skewers the absurd methods used by the ex-gay movement to make gays go straight.
In this hilarious send-up of ex-gay treatment programs, a young man named Paul joins Escape, run by the Reverend Sly Slocock. While trying to convert other gays, Paul meets Jimmy, a feisty antagonist from Homo Nation, who sets out to undermine Sly's increasingly bizarre attempts to cure Paul's homosexuality.
The God Squad is a racy, romantic comedy spiced with irony, intrigue, and forbidden passion. By exposing the fraudulent hypocrisy of ex-gay ministries, it also provides a refreshing antidote to the religious right's campaign against gays. About the Author: Rik Isensee practices psychotherapy in San Francisco and has worked with some clients in recovery from ex-gay programs. He is the author of three self-help books for gay men: Love Between Men<.i>, Reclaiming Your Life, and Are You Ready? The Gay Man's Guide to Thriving at Midlife.