JANET CATHERINE SCOTT - ARTIST (1941 - 2018) Janet Scott was a versatile and prolific artist perhaps most remembered for her painterly output in the course of a career that spanned more than half a century. Yet she successfully turned to sculpture, drawing, pottery, writing, furniture making, and running her own gallery among her many achievements. During her career she wrote fiction, scripts and programming for her various stage productions and worked in the movie industry producing movies about artists as well as working as a preproduction stills photographer and film poster artist. Janet’s paintings evince a fascination for a hyper-realistic style, her sculpture has a feeling of mythological symbolism and her wood carving is totally Australian in its essence. The themes of her work at all levels include dreams, sexuality and the subconscious while throughout her life she portrayed her closest personal relationships especially that of her own family. As a female artist, at a time when it was only just being recognised as a career path, Janet forged a livelihood and worked at her craft throughout her whole life.