Is an offender with mental health problems fully responsible for their offences? Should certain criminal behaviors be treated with incarceration and rehabilitation--or counseling and psychotherapy? Mad or Bad? asks these questions, and more. It is a cutting-edge text that provides a comprehensive introduction to mental health problems and criminal behavior, and considers the most common and effective therapeutic approaches for working with offenders and victims of crime.
- Part 1 explores the predominant tensions between forensic and therapeutic agendas;Part 2 considers how criminal and 'insane' identities and careers may be considered gendered, classed, culturally, and age-dependent experiences, and be related to power and oppression;Part 3 examines issues around sex and sexuality in forensic and therapeutic settings;Part 4 introduces a range of therapeutic approaches for working with offenders and victims of crime;Part 5 covers forensic and therapeutic practices, including programs for the prevention of both mental health issues and offending.