這本《What Do Doctors Do?》,帶領小讀者從急診室開始,深入了解醫生的工作領域。不論是緊急的救護現場、日常的看診、分秒必爭的加護病房,還是偏鄉需要醫療專機協助的救助現場,全都鉅細靡遺地呈現在這本精緻的繪本裡。詳細的文字說明,以對話的方式呈現醫療現場的日常點滴,是讓孩子認識醫療產業以及醫護人員工作內容的最佳書籍。
Whether diagnosing diseases, performing life-saving surgery or fighting a pandemic, doctors do a huge variety of jobs. Join them in remote research stations, operating theatres, medical laboratories and hospitals to discover what they do and why it's so important.
From heart transplants to investigating a crime scene, you'll encounter all kinds of examples of doctors' extraordinary everyday work. And at the back of the book, there's a glossary of medical terms, diagrams of the body's bones and organs, plus information on what to do if you want to become a doctor yourself one day.