Rebecca Hazell is a an award winning artist, author and educator. She has written, illustrated and published four non-fiction children’s books, created best selling educational filmstrips and educational craft kits for children, and even designed award winning needlepoint canvases and custom wedding gowns! She is a senior teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage, and she holds an honours BA from the University of California at Santa Cruz in Russian and Chinese history. Rebecca lived for many years in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 1988 she and her family moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia, and in 2006 she and her husband moved to Vancouver Island. They live near their two adult children in the beautiful Cowichan Valley. Her epic historical trilogy, The Tiger and the Dove, is a story that haunted her for 40 years until she gave up, did the extensive background research, and wrote it. The Grip of God is the first novel, with Solomon’s Bride close to release and Consolamentum ready at the gate behind it. To contact Rebecca please email: info(at)