Jacob Riis (May 3, 1849 May 26, 1914) is best known as a social reformer who used photography to document different social classes. In particular, his journalism and photography displayed the plight of the poor in New York City, and his attempt to help them resulted in How the Other Half Lives, a turn of the century documentary of sorts that he hoped would shed light on the social issues of the day. Moreover, Riis is considered one of the fathers of photography due to his discovery of flash photos. Although Riis is best known for his social commentary, he also made important connections through his work, including with Teddy Roosevelt, a New York politician before president. Moreover, Riis also wrote childrens stories, including the short Is There a Santa Claus? This edition of Riiss Nibsy's Christmas is specially formatted with a Table of Contents and is illustrated with over a dozen pictures of Riis, his life, and his work.