In Special Powers and the Nine Rings, author Mike J. Rockeyfeller talks about the clues left behind as each of the people from his life meet their fate. From an early age, Rockeyfeller was suspicious of his relatives as they discounted his right to property over the years. His Uncle Gee just took his father's land, car, and truck as his own when he died, never considering his nephew's right to his own father's property.
Rockeyfeller lives his life by accepting his intuition and recognizing that events do not happen by chance. There is no specific time to relax ones senesces and ignore intuition. He recounts the instances where his intuition is borne out in the events that take place, from a friend accidently shooting himself with twenty-three hours of his birthday to the death of his selfish Uncle Gee in a train crash.
Destiny has its own plan, and once it's in place, there is no going back. There are dates that have special meaning in each person's life. You can uncover the dates that have significance in your life and relate them to all that is meaningful to you. Claim the good karma for yourself.