Preface Penny Marshall lived in California and because of some recent trials in her life, she wanted to escape to some place far away, so she chose Lakeview (a fictitious city). It took her three days to travel in her van and her travel trailer, which had all of the conveniences of a mobile home. When she arrived in Lakeview, she found a campsite and a spot in a secluded area where she could camp until she found an apartment. She left her trailer in the campsite and took her van. The suspense starts to build when Penny came home and found a body in her bathtub. Penny stared at the body and dashed out of the apartment and down to Abby’s apartment. That night, Penny gathered a few of her things and spent the night with Abby. Early the next morning, Penny went to her apartment and found a threatening note. She gathered a few more things and then returned to Abby’s apartment, packed up her belongings, and left without saying anything to Abby.