In this sequel to ‘Sebastian’ that begins in an isolated tropical Australian town, the refusal of Zeno, a high-school student, to be victimized by a female teacher leads to his being drafted to assist at a rainforest camp where he teams up with the activities teacher, Jarek. After assisting Zeno to exact a satisfying revenge, they become great friends and soon convince their skeptical adolescent charges of the joys of independence, freedom from irrational taboos, respect for nature and each other, and pride in their natural masculine instincts.
When Jarek dumps his girlfriend he becomes the unwitting target of an unlikely group of women determined to wreak revenge on male chauvinist pigs by assassination, abduction, murder—or anything else they can think of.
At the end of the school year, blissfully unaware of the danger, Jarek and friends take off for Cairns, where they meet Sebastian and his remarkable parents.
Their small-town enemies follow them and join forces with the State President of Women's War International, a female practiced in the art of ridding the world of noncompliant males.