An ancient island. A ghost. Secrets. Hidden diamonds. The Watcher. Peace and quiet…NOT!
Mac O'Donnell and Carson Adams buy Paradise Island, unaware that the island has waited eons for them. The two friends renovate the local village and build a resort, successfully attracting business to the small land mass. They learn the local folklore including the fact that they fulfill the first two of five prophecies.
The island’s totem symbol, a personable parrot with an attitude, fulfills the third prophecy by adopting Mac and Carson.
Jackie Foster is a travel writer in need of a vacation. She is also adopted by the parrot with the ‘tude, partially fulfilling the fourth prophecy. She is unaware that a ghost planned this trip.
When the ghost is revealed, so is a quest - in order to fulfill the fifth and last prophecy, Sir Bruno Marquez must be found. Only Sir Marquez knows the location to a cave of diamonds that has remained hidden for centuries.
Mac and Jackie work together to find the mysteriously elusive Sir Marquez. They hinder themselves by experiencing arguments, misunderstandings, hot kisses and sizzling sex. Carson gets comical assistance from hotel guests and staff to play pranks to help the couple work through their troubles. Not only does the parrot get involved, but the antics and sexual advice of several 80-year-old grannies is just mind-boggling!