According to the latest statistics, 1 in 7 people are being pursued by a debt collector. Collectors vigorously pursue collecting debts (whether they are accurate or not.) Some collectors use the mail, the phone, the credit bureaus, and the court system to harass, annoy, threaten, trick, dupe, and blackmail people into paying a debt.
Fortunately for consumers, there are laws that protect us from debt collectors. If a debt collector violates any part of any of these laws, you have the right to sue them in court.
This is a book of tools. Tools to stop the debt collectors from contacting you. Tools for credit repair, and cleaning up your credit reports. Tools to recognize common violations and protect yourself. Tools to show you how to use the court system to fight back and have the debt collector pay you!
Suing a debt collector can be easy. It is completely possible for you to file a lawsuit and settle for thousands in less than two weeks. I have done it, and I will show you how.