The Collapse of the Tax Haven Industry delivers a jolt of reality to people who have sunk their money into the multi-trillion dollar offshore tax-shelter business. This timely and incisive book exposes the tax haven industry for what it truly is – a vehicle for fraud. It lays bare the falsehoods that offshore promoters use to lure in clients – namely, that shell companies based in tax havens are a perfectly legal way for them to avoid tax obligations in their home countries. And it follows the fate of people who have taken these promises at face value – from the boardrooms of (multinational) companies to the prison cells where hundreds of them sit today.
This book does not promote the use of tax haven structures, but rather explains why using such companies is entirely illegal. The author became alarmed by the number of clients they encountered who wanted to optimize their taxes by setting up fake companies in foreign tax havens. These firms would be nothing but a mailbox – one that could be shared by hundreds of other corporations whose owners are similarly trying to dodge taxes.
The author proves the illegality of such schemes by dissecting international tax conventions along with legal judgments. He explains, in plain English, why tax haven abuse is illegal.
OFFSHORE APOCALYPSE is required reading for anyone who currently is using tax havens and also for their attorneys, bankers, consultants or even their business partners, any of whom may unwittingly find themselves caught in money-laundering investigations.