The expression "Fog of War" perfectly encapsulates what it was like to experience the Vietnam War first hand. This is an account of what it was like to be there, an account of what the war demanded of young American boys fighting, flying and dying in it. And life afterwards for me. As an Army helicopter pilot there, I learned to become numb to all the carnage in combat, to stop feeling anything at all, to bury my own humanity and to find a dark place in my heart to fly the missions required in that war. My second tour saw even more haunting revelations about that war as I became Aircraft Commander on Four Star General Abrams’ helicopter.
This book is a gripping memoir of a harrowing tour of duty and the healing that followed. The last few chapters tell of the unsolicited healing I received from strangers in countries I visited before going home. Their warmth, outstretched hands and open hearts reacquainted me with the wonderful gift of being human. So many gracious strangers helped me see I couldn’t, shouldn’t stay numb. My healing began.