In this comical yet cutting story, Herm Zandman, an interstate trucking insider, gives us an informative glimpse into this little-known world. The book depicts the author's entry into Australian heavy haulage, and chronicles some of the colorful situations he got himself into. The story takes the reader through the human challenges that interstate trucking imposes on drivers and their families. The relationship between heavy haulage and general road users is explored, and the infrastructure of all the support systems involved in moving goods is critically appraised. Time is also spent addressing the rapport between the transport industry and the authorities. Blood, Sweat and Gears is a book that sheds light on a largely unknown part of society in order to engender helpful understanding and better harmony when the behemoths of the road meet the little road users. Herm Zandman is a former teacher and writer of educational materials who became an interstate trucker. He grew up in the Netherlands, in a rural area close to the German border, and currently lives in Kongorong, Australia. Dr. Zandman is working on a children's book, called It's Not a Truck It's a B-Double which narrates what the big trucks do, where they travel, and what makes them so special. Publisher's Web site: