In a heart-warming, hilarious, intriguing, and gut-wrenching true story, Mark Evan, an everyday man in California, seeks a means to beat the odds in Las Vegas, and in doing so explores the past, present, and future of his own life, as well as the ins and outs of modern life in general. Written in the form of a 118 day journal, this no-holds-barred journey begins with an attempt to devise a successful sports betting system, and winds up with a deeply personal view into the life of a fascinating and unique individual. Evan writes, "We are all voyeurs. We are Peeping Toms. We like to watch as others struggle through their lives, comparing their circumstances and decisions with our own, contrasting outcomes and consequences, vicariously reveling in achievements and crying over failures - it is human nature." Nowhere else will the reader find a more rigorously honest and thoughtful account of a modern day life in America.