David the king of ancient Israel, reflects in his Psalm writing, Psalm 8:4, "Who is man that thou are mindful of him." His is recognizing that the God of all creation had been a spiritual force in his life, sustaining him in battle and in his battle of life. God showed mercy to David and David was considering his position before God. The question is why? Why does God embrace and direct an individual's life? How does God entwine His will in a human life and yet allow the individual to have freedom of choice? Reflecting on my life and how it affected the lives of my family, are sketched out in this book, revealing the very involvement of an eternal God throughout our life time, yet allowing us to choose our life's direction. Solomon's recorded words in Ecclesiastes 3:2, challenges us to make wise choices during the time between the "The cradle and the grave." Patience is a factor that is exercised by God as He watches over us. There are specific talents or gifts that are given to each of us and we should be mindful of how God would want us to use them to His glory. As I tried to do the will of the Lord in my life, I was constantly aware that any decision I made would eventually affect a wife and children with which I might be blessed. Decisions, such as taking a family to one of the most remote islands in the world, and live among people of a stone age culture, some that were still practicing cannibalism, was a monumental, soul searching decision. It is a challenge to continue to follow the Lord and experience His blessings.