For Directors Only The behavioral health organization is an essential resource that should be available to all communities. This is usually the central place where many of the thousands of men, women and children who live in both urban and suburban neighborhoods receive their behavioral and medical healthcare. Historically, the Federal govern- ment has recognized this trend and accordingly has set aside mil- lions of dollars in funding to address many of the issues directly re-lated to inadequate healthcare delivery in these neighborhoods. This need has created a tremendous opportunity to deliver specialized niche services to these patients. Many of you who are ready to go out and start a new practice will find that the community will welcome you with open arms. This will be the case whether your agency provides psychotherapy, or a combination of services, which may include a medical compo- nent. The mere fact that the integrated healthcare delivery system provides a one-stop shop for comprehensive healthcare under one roof makes it a very attractive model. And, for the organization that is currently contemplating the creation of a pharmacotherapy or dispensary delivery system, this book contains all of the information that is needed to put together a comprehensive proposal and successful operating system. It was the intent and purpose of this book to provide you with the tools in which to create, operate and upgrade your own ideal organization.