Throughout Gwen's career in music and theatre, God breathed words of encouragement, peace and love to her soul. She penned these words into poems and used them through the years to not only edify herself but to encourage others. This book is a compilation of those poems; gathered together to share the same words of encouragement, hope and inspiration that God used to sustained her spirit throughout her life.
Life tends to throw many situations our way; victories, defeats, joy, disappointments, happiness and trials. These encouraging poems cover the different twists and turns of life and will edify, strengthen and teach all who read this inspirational book.
It is Gwen's prayer that all who read this book would be edified and will draw strength to continue to live and pursue God. This book will serve as a reminder that God will never leave you nor forsake you. God will always speak to you no matter what you're going through or facing in life. As you read it, meditate on the words and allow the Holy Spirit to comfort, encourage and inspire you.