This is a true story of one young man's faith journey to successful double-lung transplant and beyond. He celebrated, with flying colors, his second anniversary from transplant on April 11, 2012
As with all success stories, there is so much more than what meets the eye. The sole and soul intent of this book is to convey and instill in the reader a spirit of optimism, encouragement and an inner peace of heart and mind. These and so much more are readily available to one and all via the God of Peace. Therein, lies the cliche', "More than meets the eye."
Wholehearted trust in God and in those He has gifted in the medical profession, together with all others behind the scenes, the family, friends and donor family is integral to the success of transplants of every kind, as well as with every other malady. Yes, it is truly a team effort as co-workers together with God. The young man in the story would be the first one to attest to that fact. His level of faith through it all has been tenacious, and through it all, he, family and countless others has learned to trust completely in the "Great Physician," without wavering or reserve.
God's will is always going to be done in all our lives.
Jon, the recipient of the donor lungs in this story, inspires all of us to stay focused upon the Author and finisher of our faith life, and the Giver of every generous act and perfect gift (James 1:17).
Be blessed as you read his story and know, the best is always yet to come to those who truly know, love, trust and obey God.