Mystical creatures, fierce battles, and romance are the framework of E. Otto’s cliff-hanging, supernatural thriller, Realms. Evanescia is under attack from an unseen realm of evil creatures bent on it’s destruction. In book one of the trilogy, The Awakening, Ecel and Erin are awakened to a supernatural battle of good and evil raging all around them. Carnivorous Dark Riders force them from their home and they join an army fighting to save the castle. Ecel becomes part of the elite Red Knights. Respected as men of great honor and valor, they’ve been infiltrated by an evil impostor. They survived the first attack from a dark army of shapeshifting cloakans, vampire-like drakans, and dark riders, but the war has just begun. In Knights Fall, the quest to conquer Evanescia is renewed by a stronger and darker force. The plot twists and thickens as the traitor is revealed, a new ruler rises in the dark realm, and the secretive underwater city of Lindar comes to life. The unbreakable love of Ecel and Erin will be tested beyond its limits when he learns that he must choose "between the one you love and what is right."Gorgeously written and power-packed with plot twists, turns, and cliffhangers, Realms is as provocative as it is entertaining."Tilley’s teeming fictive something like C.S. Lewis’ Narnia series dressed in Tolkien-esque heavy metal." - Kirkus Discoveries