Michael Thompson has worked in more industries over the last fifteen years than most people will be aware of in their lifetime. From security roles in Northern Ireland to tracking game in South Africa, Michael has never been shy of adventure or risk. After teaching himself HTML and PHP he launched his own web design business in 2001. In 2004 he opened his first online business selling marine photography equipment to divers around the world and within one year was the largest supplier in Ireland. Within another year he had closed the business at a spectacular loss, taught himself debt management and started working his way back to profitability. In late 2006 he joined Harrison Photography as the I.T. manager looking after an archive housing fourteen years of images and continuing to grow at the rate of 2TB per year. He quickly automated many of the tasks associated with managing the data, freeing himself up to join the photographers, working alongside the late John Harrison, one of Northern Ireland’s most prominent press photographers. Now working as a digital marketing consultant and tutor of the Chartered Institute of Marketing courses in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Michael provides social media training and digital marketing strategies to medium sized businesses and blue chips in the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe.