Stepinto Elma’s Tale, an exciting magical journey full of adventure, mystery, and peril. Trig and his friends are led back to the unseen magical world around them by Elma, their pixie friend, to help rescue her sister from a powerful sorcerer. He is holding her hostage in order to gain control of a special map that will help him find Gunch’s hidden lair where there are dark secrets and dangerous things no one should ever possess.
As the wicked sorcerer and bloodthirsty trolls relentlessly chase after them, Trig and his friends are aided by a rogue wizard who leads them into the mystical Sarjem: a treacherous, cursed land with ancient legends, strange creatures, and baffling mysteries they will have to solve if they hope to save themselves and Elma’s sister by being the first to find Gunch’s lost treasures. For readers that enjoy thrilling quests and unexpected twists, the rousing adventure in Elma’s Tale will have you on the edge of your seat, captivated by another fabulous, riveting story in the Tale Series.