Sara3112: Journey Through Virtual Madness is a true story that truly is stranger than fiction. This unbelievable story of love, longing and madness is told with actual emails and internet chat transcripts. Along with these compelling elements are the author's vivid narrative storytelling, and the full gamut of his thoughts in italics. The book begins with Bill depressed and lonely, in an abusive marriage. He needs a friend. He has a web site, through which he meets Sara, a woman in England, when she emails him. The two begin writing and then chatting via the Internet. Readers will see the couple's relationship develop and watch them fall in love. Bill divorces his wife and leaves his family for Sara. For the remainder of the year, the couple plans his arrival on 12/31/98, or 31/12. Bill finally arrives in London, and after spending six weeks together, the couple decide they do indeed want to be together forever. In order for this to happen, Bill and Sara must be married. After the wedding, part of Bill senses that something is very wrong, but part of him doesn't want to believe it. So which one of them is going mad?