Assassination Attempts Down Under to Bizarre Humiliation at Vatican...The Molina Curse is the sequel to Tainted Dish and the fifth book in the Charles Stone Travel/Mystery/Thriller series. The protagonist faces several assassination attempts and a life threatening encounter in Australia's Outback. His dog, Daisy is reintroduced along with characters from previous stories. The reader will be reminded of our country's history through walks on Boston's Freedom Trail. The Molina Curse provides tantalizing moments "Down Under", as well as aboard a cruise ship from Sydney to New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji and Hawaii. A love affair is tested and Charles Stone's life is in peril throughout until the curse is lifted by complying with mysterious forces within the Vatican. Stone's final act of involvement with the dark side of the Papacy is one of the most bizarre in all works of fiction. Unfortunately The Molina Curse ends on a sad tragic note.