HAVE IT ALL: Your Needs and Wants...If you are unsure of what you want out of life or don't know how to get it then this book can help. This book gives you the steps necessary to discover what you want while providing you a step by step guide to achieving it all. Dr. Jewell gives you practical ideas on how to achieve your goals while giving you real life examples you can implement into your life. "Remember there will be hard times in life, struggles, and difficulties, but out of the sadness, hard work, and boring tasks grow the rewards of life. You see, sticking with the task of creating your dreams allows you the ability to achieve them. It is not the hour you spend, the week you work, or the night you stay up late. It is all of that and more that enables you to create your desires. It is the smallest of tasks that may be your greatest achievement." Dr. Julie Jewell provides a guidebook in determining what your needs, wants and deal breakers are. She addresses the things you need to change your life such as support, self-esteem, goals and a plan to achieve your goals. She introduces you to saving money and budgeting while looking into visualizing, dream boards and even prayer as a way to get you in control of your life. Dr. Jewell encourages you to relook at your life by writing thank you notes, asking for what you want, and networking. About the Author - Dr. Julie Jewell is an accomplished professional teaching in higher education, an international presenter and researcher. She works as a professor of business, is a motivational speaker and business consultant. For more information or to contact the author, visit www.ActiveBusinessTrainer.com, P.O. Box 2922 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406. Availability: HAVE IT ALL: Your Needs and Wants will be available Spring 2013 on-line in paperback through Amazon and Barnes and Noble and at www.outskirtspress.com/bookstore for a maximum trade discount in quantities of ten or more. Outskirts Press, Inc., 10940 S. Parker Rd. - 515, Park