Some may question, is God still relevant in this world of chaos today? If so, how does God’s grace change our lives? Comfort My People echoes the Prophet’s theme in Isaiah 40:1-8, to comfort God’s people down through the centuries; to let them be sure that God had mercy in store for them, even in the worst of times. Centuries later, Isaiah’s prophecy is still true and clearly evident today, even when terrorists from foreign lands attack us, and immorality swallows our nation from within. Comfort truly comes when our sin is pardoned, and we experience God’s mercy through the divine love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ and His suffering, death and resurrection was of such an infinite value that it was more than double for our sins. Comfort My People is my life-long account of God’s mercy and comfort shown so abundantly to me. I have, as so many readers have, personally experienced suffering and the death of loved ones. I have personally experienced God’s grace as he comforted me by the power and presence of His Holy Spirit on so many occasions. Comfort My People documents that through acts of service for others we find that life is much more than a story of suffering and death; it is also a story of great joy, hope and victory. As we recognize how God has been at work in the past, we can look forward with a clear vision and be comforted in the confidence that God’s presence, grace and mercy will be with us in the future, both in our individual lives and in our nation.