A timeless fable filled with practical wisdom for living a meaningful and fulfilling life In this warm-hearted and thoughtfully told tale, the Young Gardener, under the cool shade of his beloved Blossom Tree, and his next door neighbor, the crotchety Old Man, learn enduring lessons about life, faith and themselves as they work to grow their gardens through all of the trials and triumphs that life throws their way. From the scourge of distracting weeds to the pain of overwhelming loss by the storms of their lives, the two men choose to face life's hurdles each in their own way and each with very different results for their gardens. With every new challenge presented to them, the cantankerous Old Man struggles and resists the changing seasons of life. Yet the Young Gardener's down to earth wisdom and kindly spirit not only guide him to overcoming the challenges within his garden, but also to living a more meaningful and fulfilling life. The Garden of Life will keep you entertained with its enchanting tale, even as it nourishes your soul with its practical wisdom. As you journey through the adventures of the Young Gardener and the Old Man, you will read their story, revel in their victories and share in their losses but most importantly though, time and time again The Garden of Life will surprise you with an honest look deep within yourself What readers are saying about The Garden of Life. "An instant classic. The Garden of Life is entertaining, enlightening and empowering from the very first page to the last. This enchanting tale is filled with gentle wisdom and simple truths that offer crystal clear insight into what really matters in life. This is one garden that you owe it to yourself to spend time in." - M. Johnson, New York. "The Garden of Life captured my heart and eased my grieving soul. A must read for all who are needing a different outlook on life's challenges with the help of a charming fable that heals your pain & enraptures your spirit" - T.