Alandale is the true story of Mary, a young girl, living in an ordinary street, raised in extraordinary circumstances. Alandale was an unremarkable row of terraced housing in the East Yorkshire city of Hull, which could be the same as any terrace, down any street in the country. But it was more than just bricks and mortar. The author takes us back to a time when the events that took place within those houses and walls, saw people struggling with their own battles to keep some sort of normality throughout what was the nightmare of the Second World War. Hull, an 'East Coast City', suffered some of the worst bombing outside of London, and rushing to local air raid shelters, snatching sleep when you could, and still going to work or school, became a way of life. As with many children during the war, Mary was evacuated to the countryside, but this respite and adventure was to be cut short all too soon...... Seen through a child's eyes, Alandale affords the reader a fascinating insight into the everyday realities of growing up in war, and is brought to life by the author's creative talents and vivid memories of real events.