The Final Call
The Lord said to me: "The book will be about the preparation for the King's return and to warn those who do not know. This will be a gift to My Bride. It is for those who love Me, for those who are seeking the Truth, who called out 'Lord, tell us more, only the truth Lord.' The book will be about Jesus. Jesus is the key, Jesus must be your focus and Jesus is your destiny."
The Exodus
As the days of My servant, Moses, and My people, Israel, I will again do the great exodus. All this will happen in the Spirit. Many with eyes open will see this move and will partake of it. This will be the last exodus, for everything that happened in the beginning will again happen in the end. The plagues have already begun. As in the days of old, I will again rise up My prophets and they will speak with authority given by the Father. My John the Baptists will cry out of the wilderness: "... Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight His paths."
My Son David
"The book will be a warning for those the Lord called, but they did not answer the Lord's call in obedience. For My Davids will receive double the portion, because I have removed the anointing, authority and kingship from the Sauls. For the Sauls listen to and obey people. My Davids listen to and obey Me. Take heed to this warning; be serious with Me, when I call for you - your answer will determine what you reap in eternity." CHOOSE DO YOU WANT TO BE CALLED MY SON DAVID?
True Maturity
"True maturity is to be in a childlike walk with Me, with a pure heart. Just in simple obedience as a child to a father, with father-child love. True maturity is not religious knowledge. Unless you come to Me like a child, without your religious knowledge, I can not work with you. Your knowledge makes you self-righteous and this religious knowledge makes you blind. Because you are blind, you are trapped into pride, stubbornness, self-love and self-righteousness. Come to Me and test your heart with Me. Come and ask for a clean, new and pure heart, even if you have been walking with Me for a while. Repent, for My judgment is coming in My house and it is coming now "