Stephen Smoke is the author of 20 novels, including Black Butterfly, Pacific Edge, Pacific Coast Highway, Pacific Blues, Trick of the Light, The Prince of Palos Verdes, and Cathedral of the Senses under his own and other names. He has also written eight non-fiction books. Stephen has written and directed feature films, including "Street Crimes" (starring Dennis Farina) and "Final Impact," and has written screenplays for others, including "Magic Kid." In 2011 he published the first novel with its own embedded soundtrack: Cathedral of the Senses. The songs on the album (Cathedral of the Senses), were written by Stephen and recorded mainly by musicians and singers living in Sedona. All the songs are available for download via iTunes, Amazon, and other popular music download sites. In July of 2012 Stephen re-released Trick of the Light, which is the prequel to Cathedral of the Senses. In 1989 he recorded an album (in support of the Trick of the Light novel) on which several well-known musicians, including Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member, Garth Hudson (the keyboard player for The Band), played on various tracks. The new edition of Trick of the Light was released in softcover and eBook formats, plus an enhanced multimedia version for the iPad. The enhanced edition contains portions of the songs embedded at appropriate points in the novel. The songs are available at all popular music download sites. The re-release of Trick of the Light coincided with the publication of this novel, I, Walt Whitman (in softcover and eBook formats, along with an enhanced multimedia version for the iPad). The iPad edition contains parts of songs written by Stephen, embedded at appropriate places in the enhanced eBook. With the publication of Cathedral of the Senses, Trick of the Light, and I, Walt Whitman in all three formats (softcover, eBook, and enhanced multimedia format for the iPad), Stephen has the unique distinction of being a novelist with three multimedia eBooks, each containing its own embedded soundtrack. Stephen founded and published Mystery Magazine. Stephen is an expert in the field of digital publishing. He advises and works with writers and publishers, specializing in the following: scanning and repurposing printed work for digital publication, converting content to various eBook formats, creating enhanced multimedia eBooks, and effective book marketing. You can contact Stephen through his website: