Returning to his home city of Bastul, Kael finds the Southern Territory of the Orudan Empire under invasion. As he races to unravel the secrecy of the enemy's identity, he becomes entangled in a brutal conspiracy to gain control of the government. After years of collaboration with the Resistance, Maeryn coordinates the covert exodus of the entire slave population of Bastul. Along their treacherous journey to the capital city of Orud, she is faced with the pressures of leadership as she attempts to protect her daughter and ensure the survival of her companions. Saba, held captive by a mysterious military force, escapes after years of solitary confinement. Propelled by an elusive memory, he chases after the hope of rediscovering his past and learns that everyone's future is in jeopardy. Finding himself in another world and thrust into the middle of a technologically advanced conflict, Adair struggles to make sense of his new environment and the soldiers who are protecting him. In book two of his bestselling series, Jason Tesar expands the epic saga that will journey from earth's mythological past to its post-apocalyptic future, blending the genres of fantasy, sci-fi, and military/political suspense.