Kevin H graduated Cum Laude from University of California, Irvine with a Bachelors of Arts in Economics and Minor in Accounting. He is a Certified Public Accountant and has worked in a Big 4 public accounting firm (i.e. Ernst &Young, KPMG, Deloitte, or PwC) since 2009 primarily servicing clients in the credit services and life sciences/pharmaceuticals industries. However, he has experience in the automotive, electronics, and private equity industries as well. Prior to working in the Big 4, Kevin held a finance position at The Boeing Company. Since 2005, he has been successfully trading stocks on the side - achieving high single digit to double digit returns each year. He combines fundamental analysis with technical analysis in determining which stocks to trade and when to trade them. His time frame ranges from days to three months. In addition, he also spent some time working at an investment banking firm, which focused on mergers and acquisitions. In addition, he is the owner of, a personal growth, stock trading, and financial savvy site. When he is not working, Kevin enjoys golfing, rock climbing, meditation, and yoga.