The Bee Keepers is a fictional tale but also one with a factual message about the serious decline in the world's bee population today and the effect on our food chain. The story begins when Richard Fellowes, a young aspiring scientist who works for the British Beekeeping Association in Durham is stung by a bee and transported back in time to the 12th century at Fountains Abbey where he meets a monk called Adolphus, chief bee keeper and also he believes his alter-ego in another time. The story see-saws between the present day and 1185 when Richard takes a number of trips after stinging himself with bee venom. The interesting practices of bee keeping in the 12th century are explored alongside the historical events of the day including a vengeful King Henry II who is perhaps also better known as The Lion in Winter. The reader may wonder what will happen to young Richard Fellowes as his own life begins to become hopelessly intertwined with that of the past, much to the bewilderment of his ever faithful bemused wife Susan.