Joey Di Paolo was born in Ft. Laurderdale, Florida and since then has lived in West Palm Beach, the Florida Keys, Orlando, Maine and West Virgina before settlng in Palm Coast, Florida. Joey started his writing career in 1999 concentrating on the human condition wrapped in an adventurous, medievil stories that can be read on many levels. As opposed to profit, Joey prefers to write for the enjoyment of the reader and his personal enjoyment as well instead of concentrating on the financial aspect. His writing style is that of first person so the reader tends to only have the information as the main character making every story more interesting as conditions change giving the reader more of an adventure and pulls in the reader as opposed to reading from a god like perspective. Furthermore, his unique dialogue is that of real conversation and not that of "novel" writing. You can believe what the characters feel and say rather than sprucing up conversation in fantasy terms. This allows the reader to relate more to the characters and not see them as fake or fictional. Finally, Joey tends to release chapters to certain indviduals during the writing process to get a readers point of view during the writing process and take that feedback and incorporate it into future chapters ensuring the interst and surprise element is maintained when needed throught the story. A very unique style that pays off.